Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back Again and Nothing Missed.

I guess I'm just as inconsistent as ever regarding this whole update deal, but here's my commitment to at least one update each week from here on out.

That's putting my credibility on the line and, although I may not have any in the virtual world, like a 19 year old in debt, I'd sure like to build me some credit...

Well everyone who may or may not exist that reads this - here's to the most disappointing A's season since...well I don't know. There have definitely been a few disappointing ones but the expectations put forth at the beginning of the year really make this season a shot through the heart. None of my aforementioned predictions came true and even worse, everyone on the offensive end decided to imitate the stock market of 1929.

The sad part is, with all of the expectations, people seem to be ashamed of who they're rooting for (if they're A's fans). Nobody should let that get to them. If the A's go 0-162, and judging by the local media, they might as well, I will still be an A's fan. So should every A's fan. It's times like these that turn the good times into great ones.

I will never make this blog about myself, and that's a guarantee, but I want to share my past Sunday with the ancient beings that uncover this writing median. I was in Cancun with my roommates for the 7 days prior to Sunday, August 14th. I had tickets for that day and being physically mobile was the last thing I wanted to do. All signs pointed to me not going; my girlfriend was working; my roommates were hungover; my roommates are Giants fans; and my phone was stolen so I had nobody to call and invite. But after hearing about CJ Wilson's comments regarding A's fans, I promised myself that the last thing I would do is not show up. I will not prove him right. When I sat there by myself in the RF bleachers that day, I was hoping Kara would walk by and ask me why I was sitting alone on Diamondvision.

Although that never happened, here's what I'd hoped to get off my chest:

"I came here by myself because I refuse to let some idealistic, left-handed bag-of-wind who wears two X's on his glove without truly knowing what it means, to be proven right. Of all the titles I may have warranted throughout my young life, being an A's fan is the one I'm most proud of"

That's all because I'm quite tired, but my next post will surely be about baseball...

Few quick thoughts though...
  1. Sogard > Pennington (Sogard for SS!)
  2. Don't offer arbitration to DeJesus
  3. 50/50 on inking Willingham
  4. Jai Miller needs an audition
  5. Grant Green's recent switch to OF kills his original value
  6. Sonny Gray should get a shot at the rotation in ST since Anderson's out
  7. Michael Taylor needs to start in 2012
  8. Brandon Allen should be our 1B in 2012
  9. Love Matsui, but hope hes not back in 2012
  10. Chris Carter needs to be the 2012 DH
  11. Michael Choice should skip double-A
  12. Michael Choice should compete for a spot in 2012
  13. Anthony Recker should learn to play defense
  14. Anthony Recker should be our catcher if he accomplishes #13
  15. Connor Crumbliss has the most amazing patience ever
  16. Connor Crumbliss can't play defense (OF's been solid though)
  17. Connor Crumbliss should and might make the Majors on patience alone
  18. We shouldn't give up on Daric Barton
  19. Daric Barton should give up on 1B (D's good but come on!)
  20. While at NYU, Adrian Cardenas should creatively write himself a way utilize his glove

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